Friday, December 11, 2009

Ugh, best thing for oily skin?

okay i wash my face moring and night and (sometimes afternoon too) and my face is yet seriously on oil overload!! lol i wipe it off and it comes back ten minutes later..literally. it drives me insane!! does anyone know any really good ways to tackle this problem ??! and please dont say powder cover up.. or oil eliminating toners and face washes.. or clay masks lol.. or oil absorbing sheets... i've tried like everything and nothing works so is there any thing different out there to use?!?! (:Ugh, best thing for oily skin?
natural face masks works the best for skin.

she shows you how to make lots of different kind of natural face mask

for acne



dry skin


i learned alot from her

my skin feels so great because of her helpUgh, best thing for oily skin?
I honestly have no clue then,

but i do no that you have to use whatever that can dry out your skin, once that starts happening, then you can moisturize your skin and start using those oil controlling toners and face washes,

right now your skin needs to be less moisturized and dried out

cause after that it shouldn't be too oily
well i know you don't want to hear this but i would use the oil absorbing sheets a LOT. Go to a facialist and get a mask once a week. Consult your doctor for more ways (they will probably show you more ways)
clean and clear is seriously a good way to go. also water flushes out oily skin. and don't use too many products because that can seriously damage your face. hope this helps hon :]
meet your dermatologist because they can tell you the exact product you need to treat skin.

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