Sunday, December 13, 2009

Are there pills that stop oily skin?

Ok, I had acne for like 4 years. I was too lazy to go to the derm and finally went after like 4 yrs. I got Doxycline Monohydrate and it stopped my breakouts. Now I still have tattered skin, discoloration and really oily skin. I hate using creams cuz they dont actually stop the production of oily skin, irritate me, and make me look even glossier. IS THERE ANY PILL THAT COULD STOP OILY SKIN??? my derm says he doesnt know of any (liar). in addition the oily skin makes my skin much darker than it is for some reason. when i get out of the shower its fresh but in like 30 minutes it darkens up like a *****. how do i stop oily skin?Are there pills that stop oily skin?
Yes there are! First option (this is only prescribed for girls) is spironolactone. It blocks testosterone receptors in your skin, so oil production is decreased.

Second option, (for anyone) is accutane. It is a pretty serious drug, but it works for nearly everyone. I am actually starting this treatment in a few days. It is basically a high dose of Vitamin A. It dries out your skin and changes the sebaceous glands in your skin so eventually they don't produce as much oil. It helps with acne by decreasing oil production. Best of all, it's permanent. You're on it for a few months and then acne free for life! You will have dry skin and dry lips while on it, and they require blood tests and pregnancy tests before you start. I hope it's worth it for me!

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