Friday, December 11, 2009

How can I reduce oily skin [and get rid of blackheads]?

Yeah, I have really oily skin and clogged pores-especially on my nose. I use Tretinoin and besides regular soap, I can use nothing else [to wash my face]. I wear make up almost everyday; it is the oil free kind that supposedely helps with acne. Oily skin is KIND OF a trait. No matter what I do I have super oily skin that flakes whenever i put make up on and gets so greasy my parents say i could use it to cook a pot of fries. Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone could give me some advice on what I can do to eliminate or at least minimize the oil on my skin. Also, how can I unclog my pores?? [hot water didn't/isn't doing the trick.] PLEASE help me!!! [we will not be seeing my dermotologist any longer due to the fact that my mom thinks he's a quack.]How can I reduce oily skin [and get rid of blackheads]?
I have the same problem as you, and I have this medicated stuff that is fifteen dollars and comes in a white tube called Pan Oxyl. It works so well, and it has worked for me and all my friends. It would be a good investment. It gets rid of oils, blackheads, white heads, acne, pimples, and rough skin.How can I reduce oily skin [and get rid of blackheads]?
to take care of the grease, buy some of those blotting pads. i forgot what they're called... but you can get them at walmart. you just pat your face with them and they soak up grease.
every night use oil free make up remover and then wash your face with any face wash with beads in it.
use the wave by neutrogena

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